Bankruptcy Consultant
Affordable Bankruptcy Service
Accountants and other advisors who are looking for a reliable, affordable and professional service for their clients considering bankruptcy have been referring to us for years.
Take 2 minutes to look at the following information.
To speak to a consultant without all the reading, contact us.

Bankruptcy in a nutshell
* The majority of debts are totally wiped. They will not have to be paid.
* Bankruptcy normally is only 3 years.
* Credit Score is affected for 5 years.
* Scroll down to footer menu for detailed information about, cars, homes, income, fee’s and business’s.
* Free assessment.

Fast, easy & affordable
Whether you need a fast service, an easy to use service or an affordable service, we will provide it.

All paperwork done
Don’t worry about the process or paperwork. Everything is done for you. All you have to do is let us look after it.

Flexible Consult Times
We can do all consulting and work of an evening or weekend. We work to your needs.
Request contact
Get a friendly chat about your situation. Speak to practitioners who have seen 1000's of cases. Complete the contact form or call Warren Scott direct on 0452 622 311
Phone 1300 163 017
Legal Stuff
Contact Us
Credit Score and Borrowing
Credit Rating
Government & Other
AFCA - Australian Financial Complaints Authority
AFSA - Australian Financial Security Authority
Beyond Blue - Mental Health
Quality affirmations
I am relaxed
I am capable
I can handle all that comes along
I get along with others
I am in a peaceful state
I feel very grateful